Magpul Industries - Why You Need To Trust Them and What They Could Provide You

19/07/2013 18:11

Many men dream of having a magic gun - the one that rises to any event, is ready for immediate action any time they wish to utilize it, whose goal is true and may be sure to fire not merely once, but if needed, several times.

This is the James Bond-like image that links weapons and penises... Kiss-Kiss, Bang-Bang. This is not just the imagination in Ian Fleming stories. It is the shared imagery of amounting potency and women, men and power, desire and sexual pleasure. Connection could throw his manly approach to the heart of the villain's person, and save-the World in his time. Sex sirens like Mae West question their suitors, 'Is that a PMAG in your pocket, or are you just glad to find out me?'

Our Mother Earth alas had other plans. She invented sex for procreation instead of entertainment, and whenever a man was past his reproductive best-by day, she all too often disarmed him. This can be especially the case since with Hormone Replacement Therapy women are experiencing 'Post-Menopausal Zest.' They're preserving their strength and charm, along with expectations of an active sex life, into their sixties, sixties and even seventies and beyond. The thing that was regarded only as an occupational hazard for aging roués and rakes, has become a common problem for the majority of men in middle and later life.

If that's the correct word, of sexual gymnasts, the writer Frank Harris, this decline in effectiveness was well referred to as long ago as 1925 by one of the longest standing. In his five-volume autobiography 'My Entire Life and Loves', he describes his decrease in firepower with age.

'My Creator - when I was entirely without experience and had only just entered my teens, gave me, as we say, a magazine gun of sex, and barely had I learned its use and pleasure when he took it away from me forever, and gave me in its place a double-barrelled gun: after a few years, he took that away and gave me a single-barrelled gun with which I was compelled to content myself for the best part of my life.'

'Towards the finish the old single-barrel started to show signs of wear and age: sometimes it'd set off too early, sometimes it missed fire and killed me, do what I would.'

'I need to teach youths how to use their magazine gun of sex so that it could last for years, and when they come to the double-barrel, how to take such care that the good system will do them liege service directly into their fifties, and the single-barrel will then give them pleasure around three score years and ten.'

But, medical science has come up with two new developments which support the promise of changing this eternal sexual history of even the most naturally well maintained and endowed of men.

HRT for Men

The very first of those is Hormone Replacement therapy for men with testosterone, the theory that I presented in my previous book, Testosterone Revolution. As well as overcoming the lack of libido and energy usually experienced by men going through the male menopause or andropause, it might restore strength in the vast majority of cases.

In over two-thousand such men I've learned in London over the past ten years, in 65% erections increased with the male HRT treatment alone to the level where intercourse was sufficient. In the remainder, the party now most likely for additional advantage from what I call the unholy trinity, Viagra, Levitra and Cialis restored adequate erectile function in 90-95%, and in only 1% was treatment needed with practices such as the now fortunately generally updated penile injections.

Viagra - A Giant Leap for Mankind

In treating erectile dysfunction (E.D.) Viagra is, as described two years ago in my book, 'a huge leap for mankind.' Probably more men worry about putting the manhood back in the man than putting a man on the moon. In reality, this drug can put a man and woman over the moon. by ending the misery this causes. and the dreaded ED

In terms of media attention, it seems to get caught the public imagination as much, and not NASA's victory made the address of both American magazines Time and Business week simultaneously.

Does it deserve this degree of hype? There are compelling reasons for thinking it does, both as an important advance in a lengthy neglected area of men's health, and as the standard birth of a 'New Era of Lifestyle Drugs.'

Testosterone is the basis of desire in both men and women, and if it's low, so could be the libido. It is the desire and sexual pleasure that provides the nitric oxide that raises genital blood-flow and lubrication in both sexes, creating erections in the male, and by as do the alternatives Levitra and Cialis reducing its breakdown, Viagra extends these responses. That is why both in theory and in practice the two work better together, as my clinical experience at the the Centre for Men's Health in Harley Street is demonstrating again and again.

The original results of work utilizing the two together in another 100 men as described in chapter five, suggests not only a higher reaction rate, but that Viagra works at lower doses, and longer and stronger with extra testosterone. Another reason for combining these solutions is that, as far as we know, Viagra has none of the preventive medical advantages of male HRT with testosterone, especially to the heart and blood circulation, muscles and bones.

Like oestrogens, testosterone has recently been shown to increase nitric oxide production in blood vessels all over the body, which as in the penis relaxes them and increases blood flow. That is more likely to be impor-tant in reducing aging changes in both heart and brain.

The complete issue of nitric oxide and its many essential actions in your body can be a very interesting and in every sense of the term 'sexy' area of medical research. It was only just over two decades ago that a number of its many tasks were first found, and already it's the target for-a billion-dollar pharmaceutical arms race.

More details are available on this website.

With Viagra, Pfizer believed the initial prize, but other closely related drugs such as Cialis and Levitra can sell equally well. You will find more glittering rewards for those that can copy or improve on this great task of molecular engineering which made sure-fire erections possible for previously impotent men, the PMAG in stock of their dreams.